Alchemy in Motion

Alchemy in Motion Alchemy in Motion Alchemy in Motion Alchemy in Motion Alchemy in Motion Alchemy in Motion Alchemy in Motion Alchemy in Motion Alchemy in Motion Alchemy in Motion

Alchemy in Motion is a multidisciplinary clinic with a focus on women’s health physiotherapy.

Practitioners who have completed the Perineal Massage with Confidence Course:
-Ocean Kabikwa
-Zoe Mills

• Masters of Clinical Physiotherapy (Women’s, Men’s and Pelvic Health) – Curtin University (2014)
• Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy) – Curtin University (2008)
• Perineal Massage with Confidence (2023)

• Masters of Clinical Physiotherapy (Women’s, Men’s and Pelvic Health) – Curtin University (2014)
• Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy) – Curtin University (2008)
• After years of practising perineal massage with my pregnant clients and their partners, I was seeing and hearing fantastic outcomes. I wanted to share the unique insights and potential benefits of the approach I had developed. So I founded Pelvic Floor Mechanics and created the Perineal Massage with Confidence online course. I truly love working at Alchemy in Motion and helping women through the journey of pregnancy, birth and beyond. I would love to help you too.
• Perineal Massage with Confidence (2022)

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